Starter bundles for different environments:

DjangoJust Django w/ SQLite;
Python 3.11; Django 4.2.19
Django with CeleryDjango / Celery / SQLite / RabbitMQ;
Python 3.11, Django 4.2.19, Celery 5.4.0
GoJust Gogolang-starter.tar.gz
Node.jsNode.js 20.10 / vite.jsnodejs-starter.tar.gz
NextjsNode 22.9 / Next.jsnextjs-starter.tar.gz
OpenJDK with MavenMaven 3.9.9 / OpenJDK 23java-maven-openjdk23.tar.gz

How to use:

mkdir my-project
cd my-project
tar xvzf {downloaded .tar.gz file}
docker-compose build

All these should have an “app” service / container that you can shell in and start a “dev” server. The source files are mapped (via host mount) to the /code subdirectory inside the container.


Check docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile to see if there are additional setup instructions.

Shelling in:

docker-compose run --rm --service-ports app /bin/bash

Remember to add the --service-ports option so that the shell instance exports the port(s) needed to access the server from the host outside the container.