Django I18N on Windows
Concise run book on I18N to get things started Prerequisite Know the difference between locale name and language name: Locale name: <language code>_<COUNTRY CODE> (examples: "en_US", "fr_CA"), case sensitive.Language name:…
Concise run book on I18N to get things started Prerequisite Know the difference between locale name and language name: Locale name: <language code>_<COUNTRY CODE> (examples: "en_US", "fr_CA"), case sensitive.Language name:…
A few years back I ran into a problem when working with Django on Windows while my colleagues were on Mac OS where a datetime routine (forgot which one) behaved…
Start with Docker's doc The link for the most part is valid in setting up a development environment for working with Django in Docker. Update to use Pipfile The…
Permission String The documentation for Django authentication (e.g. talks about allowing code to restrict access to models through a vague notion of a "permission." Read further and you kinda…