Grails class names

Seems like there are many flavors of the name for a Grails class:

  • fullName — Returns the full name of the class in the application with the the trailing convention part and with the package name
  • name — Returns the logical name of the class in the application without the trailing convention part if applicable and without the package name.
  • naturalName — Returns the name of the property in natural terms (eg. ‘lastName’ becomes ‘Last Name’)
  • shortName — Returns the short name of the class without package prefix
  • propertyName — Returns the name of the class as a property name
  • logicalPropertyName — Returns the logical name of the class as a property name

These are from  It looks like somebody just typed in something just to have something show up in Javadoc.

A pause in the code to show an example is probably the best way to document these names.  For a class like com.blah.UserManagementController:

  • fullName: com.blah.UserManagementController
  • name: UserManagement
  • naturalName: User Management Controller
  • shortName: UserManagementController
  • propertyName: userManagementController
  • logicalPropertyName: userManagement

Now that that’s out of the way, notes:

Spring’s application context (e.g. grailsApplication.mainContext) holds on to its beans using names that may not be obvious. The easiest way to figure out is to fire up

grails console

and evaluate:


and find the bean’s name.

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